Your Greatest Power
Children, never forget that your power and greatest influence comes while on your knees. You will accomplish so much more and my favor will be poured out on everything you touch, if you first commit it to prayer.
The world you live in is performance-based, high-pressured and competitive and it’s easy to understand how it’s gripped you in its’ clutches. Your eyes have wandered from being wholly connected to mine by looking around you and wanting to be like everyone else. The enemy has been sly and subliminal so that you haven’t even noticed that he’s kept your focus on everything but prayer. How can you impact the world around you, and draw my Holy Spirit’s presence by overlooking the greatest pathway to my heart and blessings?
Your culture is full of educated, talented and attractive human beings, but that doesn’t impress me. None can hold a candle to the ones who minister from their knees. Don’t you see it? There are a people in the world who are seeking organic food, streamlined simple housing and minimalist lifestyles. There is a longing to return to the natural and authentic. Likewise, there is coming a day, when I will display my children who have been hidden in the secret place where I am. No longer will true followers be deceived by the outward showings of man. My people are wanting and hungry for naked truth and worship because I AM enough. Follow the example of my Son who did nothing before seeking me in prayer.
Bible Passages
Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. (1 Chr. 16:11) NIV
Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time each will receive their praise from God. (1 Cor.4:4-6) NLT