Do you love to honor me? As the One Supreme God, I am your Maker. I have given you innate physical and mental powers and an array of material things which accommodate your wants perfectly. I have redeemed you and I have supplied you with all kinds of benefits. Every single one of your blessings originated from me. Why even consider serving another created being instead of the Creator, Himself?
I am calling you to yield to me as your loving Savior. When you have a decision to make and you pause to make sure that you are giving me priority in your life by following my teachings, you are yielding. When you intentionally pray and study my Word thereby preparing yourself to assist me, you are yielding. And when you choose to do things my way, you are becoming a yielded servant. Devote yourself and your affections entirely to me. Love me supremely and yield your time, possessions and control to me. Make your actions purposeful because My care for you is perfect.
Because I am trustworthy, you can yield your all to me. Do you recall an instance where I called you to do something and you didn’t obey? Do you remember experiencing a feeling of floundering and a lack of protection and vision? Even then, I remained faithful to you when you were faithless. (2 Tim.2:13) NIV. When you finally recognized that you couldn’t do it by yourself, I stepped in and we worked together. I used the distance you created to draw you back into my loving arms. I wanted us to be reconciled so that our relationship would continue to grow strong and steady.
When you cease struggling and you surrender to me, my power and glory will come upon you. Even my Son, Jesus said, “I can of Myself do nothing. I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.” (John 5: 30)
Use wisdom and follow his example by becoming a disciple who is willing to yield. Ask me what it is that I want you to surrender so that you may move into my divine purpose for your life. Let go of your own mindsets ; rely upon me and embrace my plans for your life. The sooner you yield to my will, purposes , power, and desires, the better off you’ll be. Honor me by surrendering daily and I will honor you!
"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”(James 3:17) NIV
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship. (Rom.12:1) NIV