Who’s Steering Your Ship?


If I am at the helm of your ship, you need to remember that there is more than what you see with the naked eye. Much is happening behind the scenes in the spirit world, of which I am completely aware and in control of. You will lose your way without wise leadership. Your chances of success, are much more likely when you have a competent counselor. My counsel will guide you and bring you victory. Permit me to direct you throughout your travels so that you will experience my plans for your life. Allow me to reveal to you the life goals that are in line with my will for you.

If you have chosen to be intimate with me and we are one, peace will come when you place your hands on the steering wheel because mine will be directly on top of yours. That’s what it means to be co-laborers in Christ and to partner together. We journey in the ship of life jointly.

As you surrender to me, you will head in the direction that I want to take you in. I know what your destination is, so you can relax and work with me. You will have my wisdom more instinctively and know what your next step is when we are tightly wrapped together. Every move you make will be lighter and less strenuous. You will have four hands instead of two, my mind instead of just your own and my strength, courage and resources at your disposal. Train yourself to turn everything over to me and you’ll find life will go easier. When a storm hits, though you may be very weak, you’ll know you will get through it because you are not alone. You will have hope and fortitude because you expect my strong and steady love will empower you to stay the course.

Your life is a shared relationship voyage with me. You love the breakthroughs and the answers to prayer; I love the companionship and growing process. When we are navigating new or difficult circumstances and you stop to honor me by seeking my advice, I am touched. When you draw even closer to my heart for assurance and comfort, and thank me when you don’t know the outcome as of yet, I am blessed.

We really do make a great team together!

Bible Passages

And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself. and since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that he is and all that he has. We will experience being co-glorified with him provided that we accept his sufferings as our own. (ROM.8:17) TPT

God, the searches of the heart, knows fully our longings, yet he also understands the desires of the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit passionately pleads before God for us, his holy ones, in perfect harmony with God’s plan and our destiny. ( ROM. 8:27) TPT


The Gift of God


Your Heavenly Home