Exceptionally Precious!


My dear child, you are exceptionally precious to me! You are special and set apart from all others because you have made me first in your life. But when you revert to seeking your primary fulfillment and satisfaction outside of me, it separates you from me. This is sin.

The good news is that I have gifted you with an antidote for sin; it is called repentance. It means that you decide to surrender to me and have a change of heart and direction. You recognize you can’t do anything apart from me. When you humble yourself and ask for forgiveness, it is then, that I can lift you up. Repentance keeps you on the highway of holiness and puts your soul at ease. You will feel relieved, accepted and loved after you repent.

The first and greatest gift you receive after repenting from sin and inviting Jesus into your life, is the gift of eternal salvation. You have my promise that you will live with me in heaven forever and I’ll remember your sins no more. By drawing near to me, you will also experience me drawing closer to you. You will begin to sense my presence, my comfort and my peace through the Holy Spirit, who takes residence in you. We will then be free to work inside your heart and heal you from within.

Repentance guards you from future regrets and from going deeper in the wrong direction, which could lead to great pain. It also helps turn you off from a particular sin or personal struggle you’ve lived with and empowers you to overcome it. When you do your best to make things right with those you’ve hurt, you receive the blessing of healed relationships. This is another type of repentance because you are showing remorse.

You can also move on with your life and forget the past once you’ve repented. You will be completely freed up to fulfill my will and purposes in your life, which will yield great joy and satisfaction. Repentance produces a remarkable change on the inside which will become abundantly evident on the outside. You will feel as if you’ve been made anew. Lastly, repentance leads to faith that you may believe my Word and promises and put them to work in your life.

Bible Passages

I look up to the mountains and hills, longing for God’s help. But then I realize that our true help and protection

come only from the Lord, our Creator who made the heavens and the earth. (Ps. 121:1) TPT

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. (Ps.51:10) NIV

“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” (Mark 1:15) NIV




Who Are You Wearing Today?