Dare to Believe

Come and sit with me for a bit. I want to challenge you today to apply my promises to your particular difficulty whether it’s physical, financial, relational or emotional.  My promises are for you and your children. They have been purchased at the cross and sealed by the blood of my Son, Jesus.  Do you want to take advantage of this deposit that is waiting for you?  Do you believe my Word?  Understand that your foundation for believing your sins are forgiven and that his promises are yours lies entirely on the validity of my Word, the Bible. 

I spoke all things into existence and that same Word has sustained the universe up to now. My prearranged laws control nature itself.  The earth and the universe maintain its course by divine direction. The seasons observe their predestined order and the tides of the sea continue in their shift between high and low.  All things on earth have been prearranged by my appointed order.  My Word that is embodied in the Scriptures is the same, which established the world.  My works and my Word are permanently set up with precision and power.  Can you see how they are fixed and unchangeable?  Just as you see the world keeping its place and its laws, so you can be assured that I am faithful to my covenant promises.

I challenge you to identify yourself not only as a BELIEVER but also as a DOER.  I dare you to become like a little child, put my Word to the test and believe. Ask me to dispel worldly thinking that can easily plagueyour mind with doubt and unbelief.  Then, purposely escape your own reasoning and rumination. Enter your spirit man where you can trust and say that with me nothing shall be called impossible. The words, which go out from my mouth, are notwithout results. They will accomplish what I desire and will certainly SUCCEED in the matter for which they were sent. I will give you power and increasing strength to stand on my Word. 

 Bible Passages

You can be assured that what I promised, I am fully able to do in your life. I WILL NOT CHANGE WHAT I HAVE SAID NOR WILL I VIOLATE MY COVENANT. ALL MY PROMISES HAVE BEEN FULFILLED IN CHRIST WITH A RESOUNDING, “YES” AND THROUGH CHRIST, YOUR “AMEN” WHICH MEANS YES! (2 COR. 1:20)  With a double reassuring yes, I dare you to BELIEVE it and APPLY it!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and don’t lean on your own understanding. (Prov. 3:5-6) CSB

LORD, your word is forever; it is FIRMLY FIXED in heaven. (Ps.119:89) CSB

My soul, bless the Lord and do not forget ALL his benefits.  He FORGIVES ALL your iniquity; he HEALS ALL your diseases. (Ps. 103:2&3) CSB

Be a doer of the Word and not a heareronly, deceiving yourselves.  (James 1:22-25) NKJV



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How Great A Love