Arise and Shine


A decree is an official order issued by a legal authority. Jesus transferred power and authority to YOU to use his name. It’s time for you, my child, to arise in confidence and audibly address your current challenge. Seek my face in prayer and declare what the Holy Spirit shows you. Your decrees must be built on scripture as my will and purposes are found there. If you are struggling to hear my voice due to worry or stress, research how my Word addresses your particular problem. Take note of those specific scriptures by speaking them out, thereby influencing the spiritual and physical world around you to line up with God’s will. It will alter your thinking, which will change your brain, affect your body and your very being. For instance, if you are anxious, declare,” I have great peace because I love your law and nothing can make me stumble.” (Ps. 119:165) If you are discouraged, proclaim, “ I am strong and I take heart because my hope is in the Lord, who he is my helper.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Once you have aligned your will with mine, stand assured that what you have decreed over your situation will manifest in my timing. Angels will be released on assignment in order to bring God’s voice, which you have spoken, to pass. If you are blocking a demonic attack through your proclamations, the enemy must respond by submitting to you and fleeing, in the Name of Jesus. 

Remember that with authority comes responsibility. Now that Christ lives through you, you are an expression of Christ on the earth. It is your job to be alert against the enemy’s attacks. Say what he says and do what he does. Have I not said that “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven?” (Matt.18:18)  Be intentional to bind the enemy in your life and in the lives of your loved ones. Declare life over what I have given to you and decree good over your marriage, family, health, possessions and ministry. Hearing you speak my truths brings me pleasure. Now arise and shine as the light of the Lord is upon you! (Isaiah 60:1)


God calls into being things that don’t exist yet. (ROM.4:17-18) TPT

You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways. (Job 22:28 NKJV)

Bless the Lord, you His angels, Who excel in strength, who do His word, Heeding the voice of His word” (Psalm 103:20).

God said, “My word shall not return void but accomplish all it is sent forth to do.” Isaiah 55:11


Who Are You Wearing Today?


Honor One Another