Revive Us
Do you sense a huge tsunami on its way? Do you want to be ready for a new wave of my Spirit? In order to be ready, you need to separate yourself from the ways of the culture. Set your affections on things above, my Word and my ways. Compromise must be completely forsaken so that you have an undivided heart. In addition, you must be eager for all that I have for you. You must run after me with all of your strength, and hunger for my presence.
Prepare by setting time aside for intense worship, where you press through to new depths of my Spirit. Join yourself to others who are likeminded and start a house fire. Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Make this a safe place to practice your spiritual gifts together. Include periods of silence where you wait for my glory and listen for a Word from me.
Above all, pray. Make deep, mutual communication the goal of your prayer life. How else will you find direction, wisdom and discernment for your next move? In faith, begin to enter into the joy of the Lord that you may start revival in your own life. Become accustomed to sharing the joy and overflow of my Presence with those you come in contact with. A full container which is regularly refilled, needs a place to overflow.
Finally, be aware of the signs around you which point to a shift in the atmosphere. Train your spirit to be sensitive to mine and fuse them together in whatever environment you find yourself. In this manner, you will be in tune with what I am doing and you’ll be ready for the next wave of my Spirit.
Bible Passages
You can develop a healthy, robust community that lives right with God and enjoy the results. (James 3:18) MSG
The instruction of the LORD is perfect, renewing one’s life; the testimony of the LORD is trustworthy, making the inexperienced wise. (Ps.19:7)CSB
Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? (Ps.85:6) NKJV